Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A while

Blue, originally uploaded by Justin Davis Davanzo. it has been a LONG time coming but I am finally writing again...I have been trying to figure out if I should start a new blog as I have actually moved back to Los Angeles, so the name is a bit confusing, but then I thought, this has always been more about my own journey no matter what there...I'll keep it...

where do I start? First of all, Boulder was an amazing experience and it was elemental in my growth as a human being for many reasons. Without it I would not be able return to LA with a healthy perspective on life and family and myself, although I will say that the last few months has been a challenge for me as I have adjusted to a new life that at this point I am unaware of its path, which is a bit scary at times, but also the best way for me to live.

I will not go into all the gory details of my past few months, but I will say that the end result of returning to Santa Monica with my beloved wife and having the opportunity to start over here is amazing. Seeing my life through a fresh pair of eyes is the daily practice and keeping the heart open is the daily drill. I can't say i am successful yet on both accounts, but I am better than I have been before at the practice and for that I am grateful, but each day recently has been a challenge. Not from the typical challenge that some people face, from my own inward belief system that sometimes gets in the way. So I wake up each day trying to just be in that day and take advantage of the amazing support and love all around me so that I can be very clear about some of the next steps.

For those that are still here and faithful and have read my blog...thank you so much...I am excited to continue this journey with all of you...

Love and Understanding.