Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Car

Hi there...i know it has been a while...since the last post, i have been sick again and simply not motivated to do much, but work and there. I am still so much in limbo these days not having a place, not knowing my next job for the summer, worrying about a car etc...that i had to let it all rest a bit, but things are shaping up for a big change.  I will move into the new condo on the 15th and as of yesterday began planning all the things I'd like to do.  Painting is the first thing and that will be very zen and fun for me to do as I put my stamp on the new digs.  then I'll be framing in part of the garage as a work/studio/guest bedroom and that has also been fun to plan.  On top of that, I have been researching a new car...something practical and small compared to the monster truck i've had for too long now...and as above, I do love the new VW GTI as an option but we'll see...ahhh car shopping..the source of so many peoples stress and anxiety...i am learing and getting better and thanks to the help of my dad, who is a master car buyer and eats salesmen for lunch, i think i will succeed sooner than later.  I have been slowly making deliberate headway on the rehab of my knee and I feel good about moving forward in the next few months to my old speed of riding my bike, working out and basically running around without pain.  Yesterday my therapist said my knee was looking awesome and that I should be well on the way to complete recovery in a few weeks....whew...that has been tough, but really important to take time with.  

my creative juice has slowed a bit, as you noticed I am sure with the lack of writing, but these days i am taking it one at a time and simply looking to the next moment of change and triumph, but I can't say that I haven't been frustrated and a bit on edge as of late...patience is a tough test for me sometimes and as I move through it is up and down and I am learning to breathe more and take it in stride as best i can...once again, being the benefactor of so much love and support from those around me.  Today is cold and snowy and I am enjoying a much needed day off from work, which has been great, but a bit tiring as of late after being sick and such.  I don't have much profound thinking today other than it is nice to know that I'll have my own home in a few weeks...a place to call my own, to set up my things, to hunker down and create, to feel good in....i can't wait to have a fire in the fireplace...that will be awesome!

I hope all of you are well and anchored at least and trusting the universe as I am also trying to do....

love and understanding.


Lisa said...

I am trusting as well, living by faith. Glad to see you back and happy to hear your progress.

Ms. Conley said...

I was about to send a search party out for you :) Glad things are looking up and I am happy you are feeling better. I will be toasting your fireplace from afar...Your universe speaks loudly J and the universe will always speak back…

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new place. How exciting!

Vintagedivva said...

Ahhhh, Welcome back! I am sure that I speak for everyone when I say we missed yah! Glad to hear about your new digs! Thats exciting! ......oh, and your right about your Dad! Get the VW!!!

Ciao for now

margottt said...

Hello! I just thought I'd extend an invitation to a network of Los Angeles bloggers.. It's a great way to get more readers and find new and interesting blogs:

Anonymous said...

Seeing your new post put a smile on my face and - I must say- relief in my heart that you were doing o.k...I guess that sounds a bit lame since I only know you through a bit of on-line communication- but a connection has been there since I read your work for the first time- I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that...

I am thrilled for your new living arrangements! There is nothing like having your own place- I mean-your own...very own...I'm sure you're counting down the days till you are there! If you would like some help Hee Hee...I am actually going to be in the neighborhood (well kinda) between April 21st through 24th for an AIC(American Institute for Conservation) meeting being held in Denver this year. I have been tinkering with the idea of attending for some time now and a close friend and colegue is presenting a paper on a large outdoor sculpture treatment he did ...I was fortunate to help him with it too!!!!

I'm a wiz with a paint brush and can handle my own with the power tools!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA (Paul was a carpenter so I learned a lot!)

Anyway- let me know if you'll be in town for that coffee....if you should have some free time...

Stay positive about that're almost there...I actually was just at the docs for an ab muscle that's been a bit of a problem ...I hurt it in OCT & the slight bulge has resurfaced again...the doc said she felt no tears or holes and I did't have any pain when she pressed but something is is buldged out a now I have to lay off core exercises for about 2 weeks which totally sucks and take it easy on the ab!!!! Sharing your sports injury and impatience on the healing factor...I just want to be my old, whole self again!!!

Let me know about April...sorry about leaving all this on a comment blogg but have no other way to contact you...

Sunny Smiles...
Romel too

Swirly said...

I am glad you are feeling better and I am excited for you being able to set up your own nest. That will be such an important step and I am interested to see how it shifts things for you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go read up on how to avoid getting trampled by a yak at 15,000 feet.