Monday, January 7, 2013

The Run Angel

For those of you following my blog and recent journey into running...I have a short update to share with you.  Over the holidays I drove back to Boulder, Co to visit family.  There I continued my training in the cold and at altitude and it was going great until I got a bad case of the Flu....It's how I ended the 2012 and brought in 2013. At first I was really bummed and then I thought, well, at least I'm going into the new year clean and detoxed...although I wouldn't mind a more comfortable way. Anyway, after 4 days of total delirium, and not the good kind, we drove home.  It has been 10 days since I have been able to run due to cough and crap and just not feeling well. I was getting a little discouraged until yesterday.  When down, I usually do one of a few things to take my mind off it, and that can include, writing, napping, reading, moping, exercising, or riding my motorcycle to name a few. Since I am still sick, I decided a good moto ride would clear my head.  I road out into the cold and possible rain as it has been stormy here in So Cal, but I don't mind a matter of fact, I kind of dig it on the moto.  I road to my old haunt up in the hills for some cozy breakfast and from there continued home over the mountains.  And then it happened....right there out of the blue in the middle of the Santa Monica Range, I saw him again....Tai....the little old Japanese man who inspired me to train for and run the LA Marathon.  He was standing there looking strong and healthy in a red Northface jacket and hi tech walking stick and smiling.  He had no idea who I was as I pulled up in all my gear looking like a stormtrooper, but when I walked up to him and said, "Tai! It's me, the guy you met a while back and talked to about the marathon..." He instantly remembered...He smiled and laughed and said, "Oh yes, your wife is a runner too."  I was so excited to share with him that he had indeed inspired me to run the marathon and how thankful I was.  He was so happy and excited and as before kept saying..."when you cross that line it will change your life forever." Needless to say, the timing of seeing my running angel was perfect. I had been feeling discouraged and a little down as my anxiety from not being able to run and train had crept in, but now I remembered, that this journey is long and there are ups and downs and it's merely a matter of persevering....of continuing to strive.  It was confirmation for me that I was again on the right path of commitment and seeing Tai made me happy and reminded me that I can do it...that this was the journey for me.  Out of all the space in LA, to run into him again in the middle of nowhere at that moment was an intervention of grace....I can't wait to see him again and share my training and thank him again. The power of a stranger to change our lives is not a myth....Today I will be running again for the first time, albeit slow, but again with my mind on Tai, in his red jacket and his smile, cheering me on....

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