Tuesday, January 20, 2009


arched, originally uploaded by Justin Davis Davanzo.

well..of course on this day I feel compelled to write something very wise and purposeful and witty and full of postivie and exciting fist pumping witicisms, but really, there isn't much that i can say that hasn't been said already...and so I won't.

there are things in this life that happen on a daily basis that seem to not get noticed and things that don't happen too often that do get noticed, and there are things we want to happen and to be noticed, but in the end, life just goes on...it goes forward and on a day of history, life is continuing in all of its tiny facets and details and humdrums and amazement...because that is the way it is...of course i am happy for today and seeing the Village Idiot take off for the last time in his plane made me feel good, but also a little bad for the man...just a slight feeling of compassion...for someone who may not have really known better...i don't know...like a kid who just could never quite cut it on the playground...i suppose it is my soft side in the whole "human" being thing...but in the end, we are faced with a new prospect of hope and possibility...i just hope we can stay grounded and realize that this will not be a quick fix...we'll have to go to the gym alot and work out and diet and save money...(for lack of better analogies) Our new president is not a miracle cure...

i said I wouldn't say anything.

ok fine.

as I sit in my cube and ponder the world ready to eat a Lean Cuisine for dinner so I can save some money and be happy...i can't help but wonder what tomorrow will bring...the world is in a delicate balance these days and the tipping point is not far off..i only hope in the right direction.

here is to a new president...

hip hip hooray
hip hip hooray
hip hip hooray

Love and Understanding


Nita June said...

hip hip hooray indeed my love! A wondrous year (and years to come) it will be...

Anonymous said...

I wanted to add to your hip hip hooray message. In my heart of hearts, I believe our electing Obama as the People's President, is the quintessential marker of our believing and 'acting' as though we ALL matter, that we can and will share out toys, that we are choosing a more peaceful and just tomorrow for our children and our children's children.
We may have taken the long way home, but the "collective we" seems heart-bent on getting there.

Ms. Conley said...

I want to say that although I also felt "some" compassion for the village idiot, part of me wishes he got paddled on his way out. Hip hip hooray is right! The future sure does look bright! We better wear our shades!