Tuesday, September 22, 2009

here it comes

DSC_0201.JPG, originally uploaded by Justin Davis Davanzo.

yesterday and today reminded me that winter is very close...very very close...it snowed above 8000 feet and it has been colder...they say that we still have some warm days left, but they are numbered...I love it, but i also feel a bit sad as the long days come to a close. I am inspired to be cozy and hunker down and work inside...and for things to slow down a bit as they usually do in the winter. Life is moving along in so many ways and we are all trying to make sense of things as we go on a daily basis. It is good to have patience and to look at all options and to think of all possibilities before making drastic changes or decisions. I think winter is good for this kind of things..it is a time to hibernate and look at things differently. An excuse to stay inside a bit...that being said, i am going to freeze my butt off riding to work!!! so there.

Summer has been amazing....let's get ready for the winter.

Love and Understanding

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