Wednesday, February 13, 2008


today is a beautiful sky and warm gentle wind.  It may be the first time in a few weeks that I actually woke up and didn't feel totally off...Yesterday i went food shopping for the first time in a long time and bought all sorts of good i made oatmeal this morning with blueberries, almonds, brown sugar, and vanilla soy milk, with a glass of grapefruit juice and some V8 to wash it down...breakfast of champions i suppose...or maybe just breakfast.  Either way it feels good to feel "normal".  Last night I went to the boxing gym and rode the bike a bit and tried to work out some and it felt good to just be there...trying....the lesson of life...trying.  It is amazing how many times we get up and go through the motions of each day in a haze or fog and not take in the actual directions and moments of what may be brewing...I have been reading some blogs that i love and the most common line seems to be taking flight, doing what you want, living in the moment, not looking back and being wild and matter what...i think it all comes down to the concious decisions of each not quesiton our have fun and be silly and take not stop doing the things we love for any fear of any kind or any doubt, to be open and relaxed so we don't miss the moments in front of us and so we stay limber to flow with the gusts of wind that blow us go into the deep depths of the dark forest, knowing that the other side will be lighter than before, to ask ourselves "why?" ask others "why?" to laugh and smile and play and breathe a deep breathe whenever we can remember to....sometimes all of this writing seems like cheerleading and huffing and puffing, but it is is the first step to constantly remembering all the things we want to be and do...if we don't think about it and practice, just like anything else, we will never get to that i am glad to read this over and over from others in different ways and i am glad to share my thoughts of the subject over and over for me and anyone who wants to read it...I have found an inner strength lately that is coupled with the unusual feeling of loneliness, not the type of loneliness one would associate with not having friends and things like that, but the type we feel when we make a very difficult decision to actually follow our love, dreams, thoughts and can feel lonely at times due to our own minds telling us it is too hard, too quiet, too slow, too is a self loneliness that is beautiful to be in as it gets us closer to ourselves and we no longer depend on the thoughts of others and the world to tell us what we want and who we should be.  At times this life can seem so full of complications and troubles and sorrows, but when we stop, just for a moment and ask ourselves if we are ok...if we are really walking down our path, then at least there is one less soul in the world that is adding to the big blue world of despair, and is actually adding to the big blue world of bloopers, love, silliness and passion....

today i will walk among my dreams, loves and passions...and in doing so I will give to others.

love and understanding.


Vintagedivva said...


This blog is beautiful.

~~Never doubt your instincts is my motto for the year! They were given as a gift and will never disappoint.

I understand what you mean by the blog thing seeming like a lot of cheerleading, huffing and puffing to some people, but you are right, it isn't like that.

Keep sharing.

Anyone who chooses to write and share the good, bad, or indifferent feelings and circumstances that stand present in their life at that one moment in time through a blog, book, email, etc. is offering a little piece of themselves and that in itself is a gift.

Have a splendid day!

Nita June said...

you inspire me in everything you do! My hero... always...

Ms. Conley said...

I understand that are being brave and walking the line you must.....keep sharing and standing tall...

Anonymous said...

This post resonated so deeply with me. There couldn't have been better words for me today. Thank you.