Thursday, April 2, 2009

drop out, originally uploaded by Justin Davis Davanzo.

Yesterday, how fitting, April Fools...i started to hang my only have I been very anxious, but just totally in an unknown place...i have all this work prepared, but not really sure how to hang it or where it is going to go etc...and then as I make my way over i remember the book i just finished by Mr. Coehlo..."The Warrior of the Light"...a quick and inspiring read to remember that this is not all about knowing, or not making mistakes or being the is about doing, learning and not being afraid to be a i told myself all day yesterday that there is nothing that has to be perfect or right or known...i just have to show up and be there and do what I love...i spent 2 hours or so hanging and working and realized I was in total bliss and all of it was coming together and the ideas were flowing and I didn't care anymore about my anxiety...i left feeling really proud and satisfied that i had gotten this far and, although the anxiety crept in a bit more last night and this morning, I am feeling more and more familiar with this new thing in my life...

Love and Understanding


Nita June said...

just the beginning my love... !! so exciting!!!

Lisa said...

Wow, I can imagine the swirls of emotion surrounding this step...can't wait to hear more. Best wishes and congratulations!