Tuesday, November 25, 2008

van gogh

van gogh, originally uploaded by Justin Davis Davanzo.

I am on a journey...i may not write frequently for the moment...i will do my best, but my energy is being put into my book....which this picture serves as a preview....I shall be here still...

love and understanding


lu said...

I'll be here looking forward to what comes!

Vintagedivva said...

Oh, I can't wait!!!
Go Meatball!!!!!!!!!

Awesome stuff.
Make sure you reserve a copy for little ol' me!

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Nita June said...

I'm sooo excited!!!!! forge ahead love..

Anonymous said...

Did you get prior approval from the Babbo book committee? Of course, there are exceptions, for example of the book is going to be about what a great father you have, than no prior approval is required. Or if it's about advanced fart lighting techniques, or even something as mundane as 100 ways to spend a solid hour in the library I could probably slide it through.

Very exciting son.

Justin Davis Davanzo said...

hilarious poppa!

Anonymous said...

Every good sabbatical warrants a good disappearing act...I totally support you in 'pulling in' to accomplish your next creative endeavor and commend you on not 'giving in' to resistance.
For those that don't know, Justin's featured art work on this entry, is a picture he painted while in college...somehow I knew he would be too modest to share that.
I'll very much look forward to your future entries...come back with both 'ears'.

Justin Davis Davanzo said...

thanks mom

Swirly said...

Book?! Do tell...