Monday, April 20, 2009


Rusty, originally uploaded by Justin Davis Davanzo.

And so it artistic endeavor ends, but another one crops up right away...isn't that the way it should be? For those of you who follow and for those of you who don't, I spoke about writing a book some time fact, I looked at my first page and i started the book in November of 08...Almost 6 months of work...ok, well i won't say that I worked on it every day...there were times when I couldn't muster so much as a word for a week, and then it would pour out....It has been quite an experience and for those who are accomplished writers, this is nothing new, but what a challenge. There was a moment about half way through when I thought..."how can I possibly make sense of this?" The balance of the creative process and the practical world each day proves to be the biggest challenge, however, at times, I was really glad to escape to my job and clear my mind of the doubts and concerns. OR...coming home from my job and diving in until late at night and living in my created world of the book....I would say that on some levels, this is the biggest thing i have ever accomplished...i mean, for me...i have always had a hard time seeing things through to the end...not some of the obvious things that come to mind, mostly the creative ideas or the ideas that come out when daydreaming about how to escape the humdrum world of a "regular" job. I mean that to say I am starting something and to follow through to the end was the biggest challenge....with no one telling you it has to be done, or no deadline, or no right or wrong way...only your own voice each day and your own thoughts...For me, this was a "warrior of the light" battle...To let go and not be perfect, to not compare to other books or photographers, to trust the process however long it took...

It was funny, right at the end I simply ran out of things to say...not that I couldn't have said more, but there was a natural feeling that the book had finished itself...I set out to write another few pages and what came out was the last page...without just was time...that then gave me the final parameters in which to finish and connect the last few dots...the feeling that it had finished its journey with me and that I was now tasked with the scary part...the sharing...

As always, in any art, this is the true moment...the moment we decide to give it to it a play, a song, a picture, a book, an idea, a business....all of our work is only ours until we release it into the wild...that is when it becomes art....not because we are depending on others to make us feel good, but because it becomes the gift of your most personal and loving world....that is the vulnerable part of actually sharing the doesn't really matter in the end what people think (although we all know it is important), it only matters that we, as artists, feel strong about what we did, so that we can stand in the light and be loved by our own Muse....

I would urge each one of us to constantly challenge our creative ideas, urges and efforts and make it our goal to share it with those around us...give it wings and don't worry about the consequences....Be the kid in the front of class who shares and doesn't care.....

So, without further ummmm...what do they say?? a dooooo??

for your reading pleasure....

"The Madness and Delight of Van Gogh" (Click on the link top right)

Love and Understanding.


daijoji said...

Hi Justin, it's been a while... Wonderful photo, as usually, all the best to you too, Friends, bye, bye :-)

daijoji said...

OMG!!! What an amazing book you've done!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I will buy it for sure, I love Van Gogh, WOW... :-)))

junibucher said...

I can't find the link. I want to read it!

Justin Davis Davanzo said...

the link is on the top right of my page...